Hello My lovely friends, I truly believe what the word of God says in Proverbs 22:6. As a parent, I desire to train my children in the things of the Lord. I want them to know God’s word and live it. I want them not to be perfect but live a holy life and to know how to treat other people with kindness, love,…

As a believer in the Christian Faith, I believe it is very important to instill in my children the word of God. With so much chaos going on in this world, I know my family and I can find hope and refuge in reading God's word. This is what makes us strong, hopeful, pretty much a blue print for our lives that ca…

I love reading books to my children especially when they are books that are encouraging and inspirational and best yet bible stories. Today's post is about a book that began as a Christmas sermon from a pastor named Kevin D. Young who decided to expand it into a book called The Biggest Story : How the snake c…