About the Movie: For over 2,000 years, man has been searching for the final resting place of Noah's Ark. Though there have been many attempts, few have been able to fully explore the one place specifically noted in the Bible: Mount Ararat. Located in Eastern Turkey, Agri Dagh or "The Pain…

I love reading books to my children especially when they are books that are encouraging and inspirational and best yet bible stories. Today's post is about a book that began as a Christmas sermon from a pastor named Kevin D. Young who decided to expand it into a book called The Biggest Story : How the snake c…

I love listening to Christian music, the difference is that it's like listening to a love song to God or God expressing one for us through the lyrics on that particular song. I'd rather hear a track that will uplift my spirit than hear a break up song, or one with sexually contained lyrics. I want to feel…