Today’s post is coconutty and sweet indeed. We’re talking toasted coconut macaroons! There are quite a few variations of this sweet and delicious chewy cookie and I saw a recipe video on YouTube so I wanted to try it but I added my own twist to it. I’ll share the link below. Warning ⛔️ One leaves you wanting more. ?…
Mother's day is tomorrow so everyone and their mama knows that all the eateries are going to be filled and with long wait times. So, today the hubs decided to celebrate my day along with the ones that made me a mommy; to have lunch at Cheddars Scratch Kitchen. I only visited once there on a date with …

I'm trying the art and culinary expierience of waffle Iron cooking, I think I'm hooked and not just for my Belgian waffles 😂 which I made this morning out of raspberries and banannas. I searched for recipes and hacks on YouTube and today I bought a kindle book called Will it Waffle? by Daniel Shumski. …