Hi, i'm Marian!

Welcome to the Color Wheel Gallery! I'm Marian, a mommy of two wonderful Children, a Professional Gospel Vocalist, Entrepreneur and a Blogger. This Blog is for Beauty, Fashion, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Product Reviews, and Videos. I have recently worked with Pure Flix, Abbe Glasses, Astonishing Skin Care, skin1.com, Amorroco Argan Oil, The Make up Miser, Orglamix Cosmetics, Salty Cosmetics, Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques, Mary Kay, Markwins, Caboodles, The Organic Face, Amazing Cosmetics, Billion Dollar Brows, House of Lashes, Olay, Cover Girl among others.
Oh, yes! I can't forget "Sent by You, made by me" my new greeting card service. Just look for the logo on the side bar or at the bottom of the post to view my work and to put in your order.:) If you are a company and would like to send your products for review, let's get in touch!

My Health Journey

Health journeys are not easy but necessary if we want to live longer and healthier. Last October, I decided to stop eating beef which meant painfully avoiding yummy and delicious mouth watering cheeseburgers and steaks and empanadas.
Reason being, I got hit very hard in my gut, nasty style. 🤢

I was on a day trip and coming home and very hungry and ordered a BK whopper with fries. I noticed the whopper was tepid but I chomped and chomped away until it was no more.
As soon as I got home, I got so sick. I made a promise to God I will never touch them again. Then months later, it happened with pizza. I love pizza too and unfortunately another enemy to my gut.

I believe our bodies let us know when we crave something and when what we eat does not agree with us.

So now, I’m learning how to listen to it more frequently and yes I have to pass the urge on these certain foods but I feel much better because of it. Of course my journey is ongoing because I still have yet to let go of other foods but it's a process and I’m taking it one step a time.

I’m also happy that my body is asking for more fruit and veggies which I have always ignored especially broccoli and spinach and the other greens. :) I’m all about mangos now LoL and cauliflower pizza. It's like a new Me.LOL

Recently, I was made aware of this online calculator https://calculator.me/planning/weight-loss.php
that estimates my daily calorie requirements for losing ,maintaining, and gaining weight plus it lists helpful tips on weight management and on the site you can discover other calculators for your lifestyle needs.

I feel like I should lose a couple of more pounds and tone up but what I really need to do is eat less sugar and exercise although I slip in squats and wall pushups almost everyday and I dance when cleaning or worshiping with my Gospel Praise songs.
But yes, our Health is so vital to our lives.
Let's all take those first steps in achieving a healthier lifestyle.
Be encouraged.
When you meet your goals, it will be worth it. Do it for you. ! ❤️