I recently mentioned in a previous blog post about Sephora and the free goodies they give their Beauty Insiders. Well, another Sephora catalogue was sent to my mailbox and I had no clue what it was. These catalogues come in different shapes and sizes so I was not sure there was a free product offered on this one s…

Victoria Secret's has been good to me these couple of months:) I'm not a regular customer but boy they have pulled me in. Recently I have been getting pamphlets in my mail box with coupons for free undies and you know those can be expensive. So what do I do? Reedem them of course ! I recently bought a pai…

I recently purchased a Waterproof Fiber Mascara from Bella Eleganze and I must say that it truly works. My lashes are naturally long but when I used this mascara I was in total glee because it took them up by 2 notches in length! I was afraid because I didn't want to get those tarantula looking lashes …

This Girlie you see here is ready for Winter! It's a Larry Levine Sports Coat that retails for $50.00 bucks But all I paid was $4.80 Cents Brand New on Groupon! Oh Yeah I'm a bargain Hunter:) If you want $10.00 bucks to spend on their deals or anything else on their site ranging from Fashion to Dining her…

My Beauty regimen consists of Coconut Oil and Argan Oil. I use the Argan Oil as a daily moisturizer and at night I use Coconut oil as a nighttime moisturizer! These products have really saved my skin. I just ordered this 4 oz Bottle Of Argan Oil on Amazon for .30 cents! That's right .30 Cents! Here are the steps…